Sunday, November 13, 2011


It is a constitutional mandate for the government 
to prioritize education no matter how unstable the Philippine economy is. Students hunt for plastic bottles after school to pay for school supplies. In 2006, double classroom sessions were launched to supply the need for education, adding to that, Filipino teachers are abandoning our country for fortune abroad. 

This year, DepEd received P271.6 Billion pesos, the highest budget allocation in Philippines history. In a country of 92 million people and counting, this huge amount of budget is suitable but the distribution might be a problem. Under the new president, he is still walking in the dark, searching for corrupt officials that might be under his nose while the educational system of the Philippines waits in the gutter.

Students that are in community schools are the real sufferers of the government’s ignorance. To alleviate this problem, JeepneEd was constructed, education on wheels. It is a moving outdoor school that has complete internet access, school materials, netbooks, and their educational standard is guided by the Philippine educational system.

As the usual problem, money is needed to build more of these JeepneEd, a total of 8,000 dollars per bus. 9,420 dollars have been raised with 164 backers for their project. There are rewards when you donate a certain amount of money.

Get two Photos of the JeepnEd via e-mail, and recognition on their website

Your name on the JeepNeed bumper

They send you a personal letter while we're on the road

They caricature your face on the side of the JeepNeed

They dedicate a 1x1 space to you with your input

You and a jeepneEd artist get to design a part of the jeep and they send you a print to show off in your living room

They look up to you… in the lab… you get the ceiling space and a print

2x3 side of the JeepneEd designed in your honor and 1 print

PLEDGE $3,000 OR MORE - 0 BACKERS • Limited Reward (1 of 1 remaining)
They sew your name on to the driver's seat + 5 prints to show off in your living room and send to friends.

Money walks on a longer pavement when it is donated for a charitable cause and JeepneEd is a traveling proof of this.JeepneEd meets students once a week. Before JeepneEd starts, teachers execute every activity offered on the JeepNeed. From using scrap papers to create toy rockets, to using online games, building science blogs, editing Wiki Pages and building simple games and videos.

JeepneEd has recently reached Saranggani, with a literacy rate of 67.2 %, counting 5 elementary schools as their partners. They will be serving to their 5th, 6th grades, and 1st year high school students. Their students instantly grown up to more than 1000, eventually, JeepneEd will be expanding to teach other grade levels. JeepneEd employ parents and in some time in the future, allow teachers to own JeepneEd.

Teachers measure the ability of students to apply the knowledge they acquired. This is to determine their capacity of critical thinking and creativity, for them to have a complete understanding of their potentials. They do not completely forget about the students who have graduated from JeepneEd. They track their accomplishments and the status of their education for the next 10 years.

JeepneEd exceeds what the government could have done to prevent illiteracy in the Philippines. And as appreciation, we can donate to their project.  2 JeepneEds are not enough to travel 7107 islands, visit 122 cities, and educate 13.1 million students.

The government may take an example from the JeepneEd project, especially, in reaching rural areas and ethnic groups that cannot read and understand the native language of Filipinos. With the budget of 271.6 billion pesos, 2,000 dollars is a token for this small project to fill the remaining 8% on our literacy rate. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Gimmick is discovering the beauty of Manila with a social twist; a website by Filipinos for Filipinos. It’s an innovative website that steps outside the virtual world. For many years, or even from the start of the Internet era, users have only been contented of the “new earth” that they have created and can only see but never had the chance to experience. 

Openovate Labs created Gimmick for online users to have the privilege of actually experiencing life in a full level. In our company, we accept as true that Happiness cannot be matched by anything that’s of material aspect. As a result, our clients have been fully satisfied by our company’s performance.  In addition, we hope to pass the happiness we experience to the future patrons and users of Gimmick. 

The design of Gimmick is straightforward: No man is an island. That is why countless social networking sites appear to match people’s needs of communication, and that communication comes with love, happiness, and the rest of emotions a normal human being can feel. Gimmick, as stated, is more than a social networking site. It is real-time website for people looking for people, places, events, and more.  The site provides a vast list of places that users can choose. A user can also add places.

A user can log in through Facebook. There wouldn’t be any hassle of registering. Also, any user can invite personal friends or other users on a Gimmick. In the website, any user can add places, start a Gimmick, write reviews, almost everything they want to add; through these steps, they earn Cool Points. Cool Points are the items that users need to win prizes, get featured on Gimmick, and the highest users with the highest Cool Points get to party with the staff of Openovate Labs.

The Kawawa list serves as an ad for people who want to go out but don’t know where to go. Users of Gimmick can help people on this list and invite them as well. Users can meet up with other user of Gimmick in any place on any given time.

Upon opening the website, you can search where you are going. All you need are the Name of the place and the address. In addition to the website content: the Kawawa List, Featured Gimmicks, What’s hot today, what are you looking for? And where do you want to go? All of these features are designed to ease the effort of Gimmick’s users; easy to manipulate and self explanatory.

Gimmick allows establishments to commercialize and promote. They can prioritize the best comment about their place but cannot modify the entire comment. This is one of our ways of being different. The best about Gimmick is that it brings back the feeling of excitement and the online dating subject. Our employees contribute to what our website and users would. We value our users’ feedbacks and protect their security. Of course, Gimmick is free. 

See the birth of a new site at: