Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Effect of Happiness

Researches by scientists all over the globe have found evidences that Happiness can increase productivity by a large scale. Producing Happiness might puzzle anyone who has no idea of what Happiness is all about, let alone its meaning.

Happiness acts a fuel of success in a company and a great, almost impeccable, motivator for ordinary workers. Giving them better to do lists helps. Free lunch and snacks help. Surprisingly, a large paycheck fairly increases an employee’s happiness. Every man has his happiness set point. Sadness and depression at work last more than superficial or shallow kind of Happiness.

This is where Company Culture comes. What employees need is lasting happiness that will make them look forward to work, tackle pressure, and, most especially, love their craft. Consistency and creativity play the imperative part in Company Culture; also, Consistency requires diligence and material investments. As long as willingness is there, nothing bad will happen.
Our Company Culture in Openovate comes from employees. We pay our employees to do whatever they want, as long as they are HAPPY. We believe in their abilities to produce and let them learn from their mistakes. We live what we apply to our clients. Our habits are almost out of the things we enjoy so much, or maybe up to the point that we treat work as a serious recreational activity.

Here's our Company Culture

1. At break time, the whole staff must watch at least one movie. 

2. There must be posters of movies, rock stars, and spaceships, so the office would have a lively effect on employees. 

3. The whole staff must go out at some cool place every pay day. 

4. There must be music in the office and every employee is required to submit a playlist. 

5. There must be an employee of the month 

6. Once a month, the whole office must transfer to another exciting place or another office. 

7. There must be field trips to historical or extremely cool places. 8. There must also be a reading session every day. 

9. There must be a white board placed on the wall, which will be called THE WAILING WALL 

10. On the Wailing Wall, every employee must, anonymously, share what they think about Openovate, Gimmick, the World, anything. 

11. There must be Glow in the dark stickers all over the room, and by 6 o’clock, the lights must be closed. 

12. Pets must be allowed in the office 

13. There must be a T.V. or any gaming console in the office 

14. Once a week, any employee can invite his or her friend to the office. 

15. There must be a fund raising event once a year. 

16. There must be a “Best Desk” contest. The winner takes home amazing prices. 

17. There must be a sofa with lots of pillows, where employees can hang out and relax 

18. There must be a fish tank of ideas--literally 

19. There must be a company pet. 

20. Friday must be PIZZA DAY 

21. Thursday must be wear a Green day shirt day 

22. Wednesday is group sharing day 

23. Tuesday must be BEER DAY 

24. Monday must be Bring your friends day 

25. Employees can do whatever they want 

And the TOP 10

At break time, the whole staff must watch at least one movie.

The whole staff must go out at some cool place every pay day.

There must be music in the office and every employee is required to submit a playlist.

There must be field trips to historical or extremely cool places.

There must be a white board placed on the wall, which will be called THE WAILING WALL

There must be a fund raising event once a year.

There must be a company pet.

Friday must be PIZZA DAY

Wednesday is group sharing day

Tuesday must be BEER DAY

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